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IPA translator

IPA transcription for sentences on Duolingo

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What's IPA ?

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a system of phonetic notation devised by linguists to accurately and uniquely represent each of the wide variety of sounds (phones or phonemes) used in spoken human language. It is intended as a notational standard for the phonemic and phonetic representation of all spoken languages. Wiktionary

IPA for Duolingo

IPA seems difficult to learn, students hate to waste time learning weird symbols and later only use 40% of these for a specific language.

But Duolingo is not your traditional learning platform. So you could hear in basic 1 how to say 'boy' in french garçon while relate that word to /ɡaʁ.sɔ̃/. This helps you to have some knowledge when reading words that you haven't heard before.


This extension adds the IPA transcription to translate exercises.